On HHfebruary Hfourth, 1915, our hfather Hharlan HHhffrrrggh was born in HhEuchre, Lativa. During the Depression, Dad, along with his hfour brothers and hfive sisters, immigrated to the United States and settled in HFargo, North Dakota.
Dad worked at the HFargo HFoundry throughout the war and acquired quite a knowledge of tools and mechanical things. It was during this time that Dad met and married Mom, Hharriet Hhmmilmmmhhy. 1942 brought their hfirstborn son, Hhomer, who remains a child to this day. Hharry, Mom's biggest boy, followed Hhomer. Next came Hharley, the second biggest, followed in 1952 by HHugh.
After the war, Dad took his knowledge and along with his brothers opened the first of many Hhardware stores in the upper Midwest. They named them after the family, HHFFRRRGGH Hardware. The business became quite successful, in spite of Dad's motto that "We will be undersold". His success was achieved mainly because of his friendly attitude and his belief that "It doesn't cost a dime to be nice".
Dad always wondered why when he received products in for the hardware store they were sent Plus Shipping & Handling. He knew that he had to be onto something. He investigated and found out that this concept of "Plus S & H" was worldwide. He changed his strategy and priced his merchandise accordingly. Everything in Dad's store was priced ONE DOLLAR PLUS SHIPPING & HANDLING. It took off!
In the early 70's Dad and his brothers retired. The next generation of HHFFRRRGGH's took over - the brothers, Hhomer, Hharry, Hharley and Hhugh. They sold the business, but decided to keep the concept of S & H alive. They felt the need to relocate, so they shipped and handled themelves, their families, and dozens of cousins to Rock County, Wisconsin where they have become prominent children in the community.
In 1991, the brothers started a grueling process of meetings. They brainstormed for years. They needed a new outlet for the family business. Finally, after many years (much of which was spent in Hphoenix, Arizona on the golf course), they arrived at a solution. They came up with the HHFFRRRGGH INN, a place where people could go to eat and drink, and have FUN. It was decided that now was the time. So, "1999" was the Year of the HHFFRRRGGH's.
Love always,
Now if you believe all of this, we would like to talk to you about some swamp land we have available for sale left from the old homestead in North Dakota.