Sawmill Inn
Why choose Sawmill for your next meal? There are so many great reasons! Start with great home cookin’ so you know everything is made from scratch. Then consider that Sawmill is a favorite stop for breakfast featuring all your favorite dishes anytime of day. Sawmill is just minutes from Kettle Hills Golf Course so you can easily stop in before or after your round of golf. Our customers tell us their favorites on our menu are the Meat Loaf, just like Mom’s but with a little kick, our Pork Ribs, yes they fall right off the bone, and of course our Pot Roast! And you can enjoy our Pot Roast as either a Sandwich OR a Dinner! Outdoor dining is a treat anytime under the cover of our front porch. And Private Parties are very welcome with sit-down service. Call us and we’ll create a menu sure to please you and all of your guests. Anytime, any reason, any meal…stop in at Sawmill today!